Sunday, February 23, 2020

Analysis of the Film The 11th Hour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of the Film The 11th Hour - Essay Example The essay "Analysis of the Film The 11th Hour" overviews the film about the irreparable damage caused to the world by the industrial civilization. The speed with which natural resources are depleting is enormous. Habitats of many animal and plant species have been completely destroyed by the global warming, thus causing those species to become extinct. The development is highly unsustainable. If necessary measures are not taken at the 11th hour, the whole world would soon have to regret their unwise and inconsiderate practices. In order to fight against the ever-worsening environmental conditions, it is imperative that we, as responsible citizens, take objective measures on an individual level. We can achieve this by planting seeds, growing trees, and taking care of animals. Solar energy should be used for all kinds of needs instead of fuel and gas. The film projects that these issues are more of political nature than technical. Historically, there have been many political reasons fo r the environment unfriendly practices. The film conveys that the future of Earth lies in the hands of the young generation. What I specifically liked about this movie was the mood in which it conveyed the message. For quite some time, I felt as if I had been watching a great action movie. The action was particularly meaningful because it offered the audience a look into the future. I also like the title of this movie very much. It has been very adequately and purposefully selected and goes excellently with the theme of the movie.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Path to Global Food Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Path to Global Food Security - Research Paper Example Analyzing market trends of GMOs is important in examining their acceptance in the world. Of striking interest in this debate is the position adopted by two large markets in the world. While European markets have rejected GMOs, American markets have accepted them. Such is the rift on this debate.Other countries have conformed to the European approach or the American approach depending on their relationship with the two. Most countries in Africa for example, especially those depending on exports to European markets, or those having colonial ties, have adopted Europe’s cautionary approach. Egypt, South Africa, and Burkina Faso are the only countries to have adopted GMO farming in Africa as of 2009. Philippines (once an American colony), was the only country that readily adopted GMO farming in Asia. This shows how the relationship of a country to Europe or America has affected their stand on GMOs. As will be evidenced later, market trends will depend on further revelations from st udies on GMOs (nelson, 2001).Of great interest on the GMO debate are health repercussions, environmental effects, and economical effects. In a study carried out in Britain in 1998, rats fed on GMO potatoes were adversely affected health wise. This generated debate by the media. Later on, the royal society gave a statement claiming experimental design flaws in that research. However, consumer anxiety had already been aroused. As regards the environment, experiments have revealed that GMOs can cause genetic pollution.