Friday, December 27, 2019

Bankruptcy Fraud And Its Effects On The Lower Income Brackets

Crimes are perceived to be committed by those in the lower income brackets that are in desperate needs financially. History, however, has been shown that those who are financially wealthy take advantage of opportunities that could help further destroy the lower and middle class as well by using bankruptcy fraud. The average white collar worker has more resources and power to deprive people, especially when it comes to the basic necessities in life. The basic need of having good credit is the dream everyone wants in order to be financially strong. Since the use of bankruptcy fraud has become notorious in today’s society, gaining proper knowledge with regards to the effects and penalties of the crime helps build awareness and deter†¦show more content†¦That being said, one of the bustouts that have been known to effect the society as a whole is the type that occurs in a retail enviroment. A bustout that occurs in a retail environment occurs when a potential store ow ner purchases a location or merchandise with intentions to file bankruptcy with anticipation that he or she is unable to afford the asset (Brown, Nettles, Tallinn and Tighe, 1999). Whether a person owes money to the merchant or not, eviction or the confiscation of items cant be done immediately since the judge always have final say as to what occurs under this situation. Unfortunately, while everything is going on, the merchant is loosing out because the money is being collected on the side with anticipation to move his or her location out, gain profit with the merchandise and file Chapter 7 bankruptcy (Brown, Nettles, Tallinn and Tigne, 1999). In addition to using the retail approach for obtaining a large profit all while anticipating to file bankruptcy, a white collar criminal will also use the credit card approach as well. In this case, the fraudster will start out his damage as a ordinary individual with good credit since the criminals main objective is to attack secretly. In this case, since the credit card holder will be obtaining credit in order to raise their credit limit, the person will apply for multiple credit cards and than max them out simultaneously

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Philosophy Of Science (Falsification) Example

Essays on Philosophy Of Science (Falsification) Coursework Philosophy of Science: Falsification Response to the First Criticism A falsificationist can indeed propose theories that he/she believes that are nottrue, but subject to falsification. But despite this fact, a falsificationist would find it practically difficult to practice science because science mainly involves the application of scientific theories in different kinds of situations that the theory promises to explain, but not looking for an evidence to refute the theory. Many discoveries in science are made through the application of scientific theories in many situations that the theory promises to explain. For this reason, therefore, although a falsificationism is a theory of whether science produces theories, and a falsificationist can, indeed, propose a scientific theory, in actual practice, however, a falsificationist would find it difficult to practice science. The actual practice of science requires the application scientific theories to different situations so as to uncover and discover more facts, rather than looking for an evidence to contradict the theory. In some instances, scientists even ignore some anomalies or some falsifying evidence in a scientific theory, and go ahead to apply the theory in different situations. If scientists strictly follow Popper’s falsification method, some scientific theories such as those of Copernicus, Newton, and Darwin, would have been thrown in their infancy. For this reason, therefore, it is practically impossible for a falsificationist to practice science.Response to the Second CriticismFor Karl Popper, the more a scientific theory resists falsification, the stronger the scientific theory. What this means for Karl Popper is that, as long there are ways to prove a scientific theory false, the more the theory resists falsification the stronger the scientific theory. This, however, does not mean that the more evidence we have of a theory, the stronger is the theory. For Popper, actually, the more evidence doe s not a scientific theory stronger. By saying that the more a scientific theory resists falsification, the stronger the scientific theory, Popper means that, the more a scientific theory resists falsification, the longer will the theory be held as a true account of reality.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Transformational Leadership Usually Focuses Samples for Student

Question: How Transformational Leadership Usually Focuses? Answer: Introducation: As opined by Wagner (2014), the global public schools are expected to make the students academically sound so that they are able to compete on a global basis. The leadership has a great impact on the effectiveness of student learning. Sebastian and Allensworth (2012) stated that the leaders set directions by setting clear directions for the students and establishes high expectations which foster the students to learn in an effective manner. The leader engages in tracking the progress as well as performance of the students and communicates the same to the students (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). This makes the student aware of their current performance standards and can work upon any shortcomings (if any). The aspect of leadership is important in the classroom instruction mode and they influence the learning capabilities of a student. The instructional leadership encourages on the improvement of the teachers classroom practices so that they can guide the students in an effective man ner that would facilitate learning (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The instructional leaders include the teachers, superintendents and even principals who can influence the student learning by making appropriate decisions for them. Avolio and Yammarino (2013) argued that the transformational leadership usually focuses on the improvement of the different classroom conditions that would facilitate learning among the students. This may range from the incorporation of learning tools to the unique positioning of the classrooms so that the students are able to learn more in a fixed time period (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The decision-making activities of the school are being governed by the participative and the democratic forms of leadership, which has an indirect impact on the student learning process (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). According to Thoonen et al. (2012), the 21st centurys students performance can be of two types- qualitative aspects and the quantitative aspects. The quantitative indicators may range from grades of the students including monthly, quarterly and annual grades. The qualitative indicators of the student performance include the performance in the extracurricular activities, public speaking attributes, behavioral attributes and others. Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann (2012) argued that the personality traits such as team work, collaboration and problem-solving are important dimensions of student performance. The teamwork is identified as the most important skills of the students which would help them in both academic life as well as in future professional life (Sebastian and Allensworth 2012). The students are expected to demonstrate their abilities to function in multidisciplinary teams. As stated by Nancarrow et al. (2013), the concept of team work is dependent on the attitudes, processes , skills and knowledge of the students, which would help them to perform well in a group work. The development of the team work capabilities is fostered by the instructional practices like cognitive apprenticeship method which is an amalgamation of the explanation, modelling and practice in relevant context. Teamwork is considered as a working environment in which metacognition and reflective practice are vital (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). It is important for the students to understand the effectiveness of team work and practice the same so that they can adopt practices of self-regulation as well as self-monitoring in their respective teams (West 2012). The aspect of team work is important since it increases the productivity of the students and would help them in increasing their professional goals. As defined by Levi (2015), collaboration is an integral component of teamwork and it is defined as the process of working together in groups so that an objective is fulfilled. The students should have collaborative skills that would improve their academic performance (Cavazotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). The sharing of responsibilities would imply that the students would be able to perform different kinds of roles and develop suitable strategies for action. These skills would help the students to perform collective decision making as well as well perform tasks based on the objectives of the organization. If the students are able to imbibe these skills, then they would be successful in their future professional endeavors too. Hwang Wu and Chen (2012) argue that the students need to have problem solving attitude for gaining the best performances. It is important that they improve their analytical ability and lateral thinking so that they can perform their tasks in a better manner (Cava zotte Moreno and Hickmann 2012). The students should have skills like persistence and logical reasoning which would help the students to solve critical business issues and be self-sufficient. This would also make them take initiative in their academic as well as professional life. References Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Cavazotte, F., Moreno, V. and Hickmann, M., 2012. Effects of leader intelligence, personality and emotional intelligence on transformational leadership and managerial performance.The Leadership Quarterly,23(3), pp.443-455. Hwang, G.J., Wu, P.H. and Chen, C.C., 2012. An online game approach for improving students learning performance in web-based problem-solving activities.Computers Education,59(4), pp.1246-1256. Levi, D., 2015.Group dynamics for teams. Sage Publications. Nancarrow, S.A., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T., Enderby, P. and Roots, A., 2013. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work.Human resources for Health,11(1), p.19. Sebastian, J. and Allensworth, E., 2012. The influence of principal leadership on classroom instruction and student learning: A study of mediated pathways to learning.Educational Administration Quarterly,48(4), pp.626-663. Thoonen, E.E., Sleegers, P.J., Oort, F.J. and Peetsma, T.T., 2012. Building school-wide capacity for improvement: The role of leadership, school organizational conditions, and teacher factors.School effectiveness and school improvement,23(4), pp.441-460. Wagner, T., 2014.The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Dont Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Needand What We Can Do About It. Basic Books. West, M.A., 2012.Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research. John Wiley Sons.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Introduction Essays (2742 words) - Gender Studies, Feminist Theory

Introduction Western female thought through the centuries has identified the relationship between patriarchy and gender as crucial to the womens subordinate position. For two hundred years, patriarchy precluded women from having a legal or political identity and the legislation and attitudes supporting this provided the model for slavery. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries suffrage campaigners succeeded in securing some legal and political rights for women in the UK. By the middle of the 20th century, the emphasis had shifted from suffrage to social and economic equality in the public and private sphere and the womens movement that sprung up during the 1960s began to argue that women were oppressed by patriarchal structures. Equal status for women of all races, classes, sexualities and abilities - in the 21st century these feminist claims for equality are generally accepted as reasonable principles in western society; yet the contradiction between this principle of equality and the demonstrable inequalities between the sexes that still exist exposes the continuing dominance of male privilege and values throughout society (patriarchy). This essay seeks to move beyond the irrepressible evidence for gender inequality and the division of labour. Rather, it poses the question of gender inequality as it manifests itself as an effect of patriarchy drawing from a theoretical body of work which has been developed so recently that it would have been impossible to write this essay thirty years ago. Feminist Theory and Patriarchy Although patriarchy is arguably the oldest example of a forced or exploitative division of social activities and clearly existed before it was ever examined by sociologists, the features of patriarchy had been accepted as natural (biological) in substance. It was not until feminists in the 1960s began to explore the features and institutions of patriarchy, that the power of the concept to explain womens subordinate position in society was proven (Seidman, 1994). The feminist engagement with theories of patriarchy criticised pre-existing theoretical positions and their ideological use, tracing theoretical progenitors of popular views about gender, gender roles etc (Cooper, 1995; Raymond, 1980). Developing theories to explain how gender inequalities have their roots in ideologies of gender difference and a hierarchical gender order, feminist theoretical concepts of patriarchy are able to explain and challenge gender inequality and the gendered division of labour in the private and social spheres (Seidman, 1994). They have done this by challenging concepts of gender, the family and the unequal division of labour underpinned by a theory of patriarchy that has come to reveal how it operates to subordinate women and privilege men, often at womens expense. Patriarchy, Structure and Gender Inequality Walby (1990) reveals how patriarchy operates to achieve and maintain the gender inequalities essential for the subordination of women. Crucially for this essay, she shows how it can operate differently in the private and public domain but toward the same end. She identifies patriarchy as having diverse forms of and relationships between its structures in the public and private spheres, and yet still operates in a related fashion. Walbys explanation sees the household and household production as being a key site of womens subordination but acknowledges that the domestic area is not the only one that women participate in. She shows how the concept of patriarchy is useful in explaining the relationship between womens subordination in the private and public arenas by showing that they work equally to achieve this subordination as well as supporting, reflecting and maintaining patriarchy itself. Firstly, Walby points out that the structures of patriarchy differ in their form. The household has a different structure to other institutional forms, e.g., the workplace. This is an important point because if feminist theories of patriarchy are to stand they must show that patriarchy operates to the same end in both the private and public sphere, even if it uses different strategies, otherwise it could not be the main reason for the continuing inequality of women in both the private and public sphere. Walby shows that within the private structure and the public structures, patriarchy does use different strategies to maintain gender inequality and these strategies both achieve the subordination of women. The household strategy is considered to be exclusionary and the public structures strategy as segregationist. The exclusionary strategy in the private arena is based

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lord Of Flies Essays (754 words) - English-language Films

Lord Of Flies The film, released in 1963, is the tale of a group of upscale British schoolchildren who are being flown out of London to the supposed safety of the South Pacific before war erupts. Their airplane crashes and the lads are left to fend for themselves on a remote island. The storyline takes the boys from innocence to savagery. The film did not receive rave reviews from critics. "The film version takes away some of the creative imagination that comes from reading the story, but its images are as shocking as one might imagine ? little boys turned into violent savages"(Webster, Apollo Guide). The reviews could be in part from the inexperience of the actors. "The little boys were almost all non-actors whose parents volunteered them for the job out of respect for the book" (Webster, Apollo Guide). However, Peter Brook did an excellent job of depicting the possible outcome of the situation with which the children are faced. This film shows human nature in its truest form. Society is faced with people who are vulnerable to others, those who are capable of making the right decisions, and some who feel the need to violate the rules. Piggy, portrayed by Hugh Edwards, is the most vulnerable character. At the beginning, he makes the mistake of divulging his nickname. Piggy seems to be intelligent and sensible, but lacking the confidence in himself to put it to use. Jack belittles Piggy throughout the film. He continuously calls him "Fatty" and at one point slaps him in the face, which causes his glasses to break. Piggy's only hope is the friendship of Ralph, who betrayed him at the beginning, only to eventually become his best friend. Piggy never succumbed to the savagery of the others. In his last words, "What is it better to be, a bunch of savages like you are, or sensible like Ralph is", he proves that it is possible for someone to remain themselves and not succumb to the pressures of others. Piggy is the symbol of rationality and adult society. Ralph is the character who always tried the orderly approach. Throughout the film, he tried to care for the others and be the leader that the younger children needed. However, Ralph's leadership is doomed from the start. Jack's resentment of losing the election is evidence of the upcoming trouble that Ralph will face. He seems to notice signs of rebellion after the first pig roast. When the plane flew over and the fire was out, his encounter with Jack signaled the breakup of the group. Ralph's last appeal at civility came after Jack took the conch away from Piggy and Ralph said, "You are breaking the rules. The rules are the only thing we got!" Ralph continued throughout the film to stand by Piggy and the younger children. Even after most of the children left his group, Ralph still had respect for their well being. Jack is the antagonist of the film. From the beginning, he is upset about losing the election and resents anyone who did not vote for him. He continues to act as if he is in charge. He continually belittles the other children and leads the older boys towards savagery. Jack eventually splits the group and forms his own"tribe". They paint themselves like savages and begin to chant and have warlike dances. Jack seems to become more violent as his power increases After Simon was killed, he defended the slaying by telling the others that it was the beast disguised as Simon. Jack seemed to have turned into a dictator toward the end of the film. He is shown having the smaller children whipped; his cruelty eventually led to the murderous search for Ralph. This film shows the viewer several different personalities, all of which are in our society. It shows the variety of people who are forced to live in the same world. "Golding's novel is the sort of fable that could shock only those who believe in the onwardness of civilization, as some still did in those days. At the time of its publication (1954), attempts were made to find political messages in it, but today it seems more like a sad prophecy of what is happening in neighborhoods ruled by drugs. What week goes by without another story of a Ralph gunned down by a Jack?" (Ebert, Chicago Sun Times). It opens the eyes of the viewer for the necessity of laws and the need for their enforcement. It would be a sad time

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Wovoka essays

Wovoka essays In the late 1880's, the Native American people were a nation in trouble. These people suffered through the Trail of Tears, starvation, and illness. Throughout all this, they managed to grasp something that they could believe in. Unfortunately, this something resulted in mass murder. Since the white man first set foot on these shores, the Native American population has had to endure gross atrocities. It started with the upheaval from their land, pushed out west. This lead to what is now known as the Trail of Tears. A large group of Indians were forced to march from Fort Defiance to their new home on reservations out west. They were forced to make this march in the middle of winter and lost one-third of the people by the time they reached their new home. The Government, in order for the Indians to agree to relocate, promised that the reservations where they were to live would receive food and supplies. Unfortunately, corrupt Indian agents made their plight worse. Because the white man had systematically wiped out the buffalo, their main source of food, the Indians had to rely on the Government for their survival. The Indian agents, whose job it was to distribute the food and supplies, gave the people rotten food or no food at all. They sold the inventory and pocketed the money. Soon after, the Indian population began to starve and fall ill due to the lack of medical supplies. Finally, there was a glimmer of hope. A young Indian named Wovoka had a vision that the Native American people would emerge from their trying times to a paradise on Earth. He began to speak of God and the coming of Christ, traditionally Christian beliefs. But he went a step further and spoke of the white man disappearing or being integrated into the Indian population. This concerned various Indian agents, who saw Indians traveling from far away to hear this messiah figure speak. Their concerns grew mor...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

White Collar Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

White Collar Crime - Assignment Example The criminal penalties should focus not only on small business and those individuals who are new to the world. The penalties should even focus on individuals who have a good name in the corporate world. The fines should be high for such businessmen and organization and the regulators such as the SEC should keep an eye on businesses that are to good to be true to stop them before they cause heavy damage to the society. 2. The two elements of a crime includes mens rea which is term used to refer to the intention that a criminal has while committing a crime. The second element is actus reus which is term used to refer to the criminal act carried out. This means that a crime only occurs when a criminal act has been conducted with the intention of committing that act. One example of a crime that does not require intent is the murder that may have been conducted during an armed robbery. Under RICO Act those crimes in which illegal activity is conducted in form of an organization that is being managed as well as owned by those committing the crime is recognized as racketeering (Lyman, 2014). The consequences of indulging in racketeering depends on the severity of the crime and consequences can range from prison time to parole as well as huge amount of monetary fines and compensation paid to those who are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why did good people do bad things (commit white-collar crimes) Essay - 1

Why did good people do bad things (commit white-collar crimes) - Essay Example Jeffrey Skilling was a former Enron Chief Executive officer who was convicted of several counts of conspiracy and actual fraud. Russell Wasendorf was the CEO of the bankrupt Peregrine Financial group. Jeffrey Skilling was convicted of making false financial statements, wire fraud and securities fraud and sentenced to 24 years in prison. He was accused of committing a series of frauds that were geared at misleading investors and business analysts (Friedrichs 325). On his part, Russell Wasendorf admitted to stealing millions from about 13,000 investors who had entrusted him with their investment through his Peregrine Financial group. The judge sentenced him to 50 years jail imprisonment depending on the huge financial loss and sophistication of the fraud. Jeffrey Skilling and Russell Wasendorf were both not born criminals. Jeffrey Smilling was born in Pennsylvani and graduated from West Aurora High school. He attained a Bachelor of Science degree at Southern Methodist University in 1975 and after an MBA from Harvard Business School. Jeffrey was smart in class and in his early career since he was the youngest partner at Mckinsey consulting. There is no evidence that shows that Jeffrey Smilling had negative behaviours in his early childhood. On the other hand, Russell Wasendorf was born in 1948 and never displayed any signs of criminal behaviour in his early childhood. In the case of Jeffery Skilling, it was a case of a good person doing the bad things. According to his previous employment records, he displayed financial discipline and intense management qualities that helped McKinsey attain higher profitability and customer satisfaction. Russell Wasendorf is also a case of a good person doing the wrong thing. This is evidenced by his ability to stand the best direct online trading system that could connect the traders with the CME’s Globex in 1998 (Friedrichs 325). The two fraudulent crimes can be explained by the fraud triangle theory that asserts that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

MKT 306 Marketing Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

MKT 306 Marketing Strategy - Research Paper Example The marketing strategies should focus mainly on the differentiation aspect and strive towards gaining a competitive edge in the consumer market of oral health care. The report discusses the marketing strategies for the tooth brush named Colgate 360 Precision Toothbrush which is the product of the Colgate Palmolive Company. Toothbrush market is increasing with time and many brands are being introduced on a regular basis in the consumer market of oral hygiene care. For toothbrushes to be successful, it should have innovation and differentiation from the products previously increasing in the market so that it attracts consumers towards buying the product. This plan discusses the marketing strategies for the Colgate 360 Precision Toothbrush. The industry that are involved in health care have the main purpose to make oral hygiene products that prevent diseases in the teeth and gum and provide benefits to the customers. Types of oral hygiene products could be toothpastes, mouth washes, toothbrushes, dental flosses tooth whiteners. etc. The pioneering of toothbrushes started in the era of 3000 B.C and different innovation and products are being developed with advancements and enhancements since that time. The design of the toothbrushes has been constantly changed to ensure maximum cleansing of the teeth. Other features that have been enhanced in the category of toothbrushes in their size, colors, handling positions, bristle textures and types, their shapes etc. Toothbrushes were not given much importance while their selection in the beginning by customers. Gradually with time the focus towards toothbrushes started increasing more and the concern of the consumers towards toothbrush benefits gained more attention. With problems of teeth such as having cavities, bleeding gums etc urged the consumers to buy toothbrushes of better quality and features. These variations have been improvised to ensure proper cleaning in every nuke and corner of the oral

Friday, November 15, 2019

Computer Fraud

Computer Fraud Task 1 (6.c)Importance and Effectiveness of Legal Regulation in Computer Fraud Introduction In todays world due to the advancement in the modern technology there has been always problem arising related with computers especially computer fraud misuse. People who are using computers are deceived in many ways like program fraud, system hacking, e-mail hoax, auction, retail sales, investment schemes, information hacking, virus/worm attacks and people claiming to be experts on subject areas. Anyone who uses the computer with an internet connection is a potential candidate for being a victim of computer fraud. The computer fraud rate is increasing every day as the internet usage among the people increases, most of the people are using the computers and internet for a good cause but there are some people who are intentionally using the computers to bring down some organizations or business firms or to get peoples personal information. But due to the implementation of current legal regulations in each and every fields; the crime people started to get tracked down and are punished under the Computer Misuse Act, which may ultimately reduce the number of computer fraud rate in the future. Background Over the past decades the amount of financial, military and intelligence information, business data and personal information is stored on and transmitted by computers has increased by tremendous growth. All the major sectors like government and military operations entirely depend upon computers / internet for their work process and data transmission. The information which is stored and transmitted via internet will be vulnerable to attack from any unknown source; almost every organization has been affected in some way due to the computer fraud. â€Å"The British National Computer Centre reported that more than 80% of British organizations suffered security threat in the last two years† [5], most of the investigation revealed that the computer fraud occurred involves unauthorised access to computers via the internet. The current growth in the technology suggest that within a decade it will be possible for every person in the world to access all the information network including the security defence data and government departments personal information but it is in the hand of the people to make sure that they do not misuse the available information. Other than the increase in the number of computer users, there will be also increase in the number of computers per person. Each person will own and connect to hundreds of computers for information processing through network environment. In the future all the people will use computers in home appliances, phones, televisions, offices and automobiles; all these computers share the information to optimize the use of resources and to provide convenience in daily life which might result in a threat for computer fraud. In this context we will discuss about the detailed term of * Computer fraud * Causes for computer fraud * Types of computer fraud/attacks * Basic ways to prevent computer fraud apart from legal regulation. * Importance / Effectiveness of the legal regulation in computer fraud. Computer Fraud Basically computer fraud is defined as taking control access illegally or stealing information without others knowledge, computer fraud can take place in any form; it includes fraud committed by an employee of a company using the computer to steal funds or information from the work company, whereas some people use deception to gain access to individual resources. Therefore the type and the method carried out to do the computer fraud vary from people to people depending upon the need to do it. Causes for computer fraud Most of the computer fraud is done for the main purpose of gaining money either by stealing the needed information from big organizations/firms or directly stealing funds from big organizations/firms. There are few people who are not concerned about the money or information but they wanted to bring down the fame of the organization/firm so they reveal all the secrets of the particular organization and few people like hackers does the computer fraud/crime just for a fun. Types of computer fraud Computer fraud can be classified into many types depending upon the fraud committed but the major categorisations of fraud are mentioned below. All the computer crime/fraud taking place now a day comes under these main categories. o Internet auction/Bid sales fraud o Retail sales o Investment schemes o Identity theft o Phising o Credit card fraud o Information hacking o Email hoax o Virus/Worm attack o Letter scam o Ad ware All these types of computer frauds are caused mainly due to the advancement in the technology and crime is still growing around the world. Basic ways to prevent computer fraud apart from legal regulation The most important thing to do to prevent computer fraud is to be alert to the scams that are circulated over the internet so that it helps to safeguard the system and the information stored within the system, there are some basic rules to be followed in order to prevent the system from computer fraud o Users should be aware of not to publish any of their personal details on the websites or forums. o The organization/firms should not broadcast much of their business details on the internet. o Organizations/firms should ensure that they follow security policies, and procedures. o People working at homes or organization should ensure that before sending any personal information on the net should check for valid signatures. Internet auction/bid sales fraud o Understand the way how the auction/bidding works on the internet, think what is the need for the seller to sell it. o Check out what will be actions taken by the online seller if something goes wrong during transaction and shipment. o Try to find more information about the seller; if the only information you have is the business email id, check the Better Business Bureau where the seller/business is located o Examine the sellers feedback on previous sales, if the seller has good history and good feedback on previous sales; then there is no need to worry about the purchase. o Determine what method of payment the seller is asking for during the transaction. o Be aware of the difference in laws governing auctions between the U.K. and other countries like U.S, China. If a problem occurs with the auction transaction that has the seller in one country and a buyer in another country, it might result in a dubious outcome leaving you empty handed. o Be sure to ask the seller about when delivery can be expected and warranty/exchange information for the product. o To avoid unexpected costs, find out whether shipping and delivery cost are included in the auction price or are additional. o Finally, avoid giving out your social security or drivers license number to the seller, as the sellers have no need for this information. Credit Card Fraud o Do not give out credit card number online unless the site is both secure and reputable. Sometimes a tiny icon of a padlock appears to symbolize a higher level of security to transmit data. The icon is not a guarantee of a secure site, but may provide you some assurance. o Before using the site, check out the security software it uses; make sure your information will be protected. o Make sure you are purchasing product from a reputable/legitimate source. Once again investigate the person or company before purchasing products. o Try to obtain a physical address rather than merely a post office box and a phone number, call the seller to see if the number is correct and working. o Send them e-mail to see if they have an active e-mail address and be cautious about the sellers who use free e-mail service where a credit card was not required to open the account. o Do not purchase from sellers who will not provide you with this type of information. o Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints against the seller before. o Check out other web sites regarding this person/company details. o Be cautious when responding to special offers. o Be cautious when dealing with individuals/companies from outside your own country. o If you are going to purchase an item via the Internet, use a credit card since you can often dispute the charges if something does go wrong. o Make sure the transaction is secure when you electronically send your credit card somewhere. o You should keep a list of all your credit cards and account information along with the card issuers contact information. If anything looks suspicious or you lose your credit card contact the card issuer immediately. Investment Fraud o Do not invest in anything based on appearances. Just because an individual or company has a flashy web site does not mean it is legitimate. Web sites can be created in just a few days. After a short period of taking money, a site can vanish without a trace. o Do not invest in anything you are not absolutely sure about. Thoroughly investigate the individual or company to ensure that they are legitimate. o Check out other web sites regarding this person/company. o Be cautious when responding to special investment offers; inquire about all the terms and conditions dealing with the investors and the investment. Importance of the legal regulation in computer fraud After all the basic discussion about the concepts and the causes of computer fraud, we are going to discuss about the legal regulation issues related with the computer fraud which tells how the legal regulations prevent or reduce the increasing computer fraud rate in todays developing world of technology, Most of the law reform is achieved by modifying and extending existing law to cope with new situations rather than by the introduction of completely new legislation.This can sometimes make it difficult to find a single place where the whole of an area of law is clearly set out. The Computer Misuse Act was enacted in 1990 and it remains the primary piece of UK legislation focusing on the misuse of computer systems. It covers computer frauds such as hacking and the deliberate spread of viruses and was created to prevent unauthorized access or modification of computer systems and to prevent criminal elements from using a computer to assist in the commission of a criminal offence or fro m impairing or hindering access to data stored in a computer. â€Å"In 2004, MPs specifically, the All-Party Internet Group (APIG) began a review of the CMA, on the basis that this legislation was created before the emergence of the Internet and therefore required updating† [5]. The Act was seen to focus too much on individual computers and not enough on computer networks. In addition some of the definitions used in the 1990 Act need updating. The final report outlined several recommendations to the government for changes to the CMA. In March 2005, APIG called for amendments to the CMA to address the threat from denial of service attacks. The Computer Misuse Act was passed in 1990 to deal with the problem of hacking/other threats of computer systems. In the early days hacking/other computer fraud related issues was not taken very seriously by the law and the impression was that it is mischievous rather than something which causes serious loss to organizations. However, with developments in technology the issue has become more serious and legislation was introduced to recognize three key offences: o Unauthorized access to computer material, Example: Finding or guessing someones password and then using that to get into a computer system and have a look at the information. o Unauthorized access with intent to commit further offences. The key to this offence is the addition of intent to commit further offences. It therefore includes guessing or stealing a password and using that to access material or services without the consent of the owner. o Unauthorized modification of computer material. This could include deleting files, changing the desktop set-up or introducing viruses with the deliberate intent to impair the operation of a computer. Effectiveness of legal regulation in computer fraud ( Conclusion) All the above mentioned computer fraud issues was not taken seriously until the legal regulation was made properly, and due to the implementation of legal law of Computer Misuse Act, the effectiveness caused a tremendous change by punishing all the illegal users of the computer system. Below example shows the consequence for an ‘Unauthorized Access to system. Incident Unauthorized Access to Communications Systems Provision Computer Misuse Act Section 1 Description Cause a computer to perform any function with the intention of securing access to any program or data held in a computer, if this access is unauthorized and if this is known at the time of causing the computer to perform the function. Sanction A fine and/or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 months was sentenced for the illegal user. Total number of words in the Task1 report: 2500 Signed [ ] Task 2 (2)Do legal developments in law relating to Software copyright and Patents help or harm the cause of information system security Information system security acts as the protection of information system against unauthorized access or modification of existing information whether in storage, processing or transit stage. The information system ensures to safeguard all the stored information. Information security covers not just information but the entire infrastructures that facilitate access and use of information. The primary concern to organizations is the security of valuable information which can be anything from a formula to a customer list or organizations valuable information to financial statements. Three widely accepted elements of information system security are: o Confidentiality Ensuring information is only accessed by authorized users. o Integrity Safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of information. o Availability To ensure that authorized user have secure access to information when required. Law relating to Software Copyright and Patents In early 1970s there was a debate concerning about whether there is a need to make a copyright for the softwares or not, but later on it was decided that all the developed software needed to be copyrighted and if needed it can also be patented under the UK Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. The UK law for copyright and patent helped the organizations from misuse of their developed softwares/concepts. Some organizations try to steal the concepts/parts of code from developed software of other organization and try to utilize them in their developing software product. But due to the software copyright and patent law, all the leading software organizations like ‘Microsoft started to make copyright for their parts of developed code, so that no other organizations can use their part of code for developing other applications, this helped most of the organizations to develop a unique software product. Legal requirement for Information Security Keeping valuable information secure is not only a matter of good organization practice it is also a legal requirement. Since 1999 in UK and most parts of the world, there is a statutory obligation on all organizations to maintain minimum levels of security. Organizations that fail to meet the minimum security requirements may face enforcement action by the UK Government via the Information Commissioners Office. â€Å"Enforcement action can take any form and the Information Commissioners powers are not limited. Organizations that want to be relatively safe can choose to implement BS7799† [2], that is a voluntary standard which helps to ensure that sensitive information is handled by an organization in a professional and secure manner, it can done by making the organization to classify the sensitivity of information and to provide necessary control access to it. Legal developments in laws relating to software copyright and patents ‘help the information system security (Conclusion) As discussed earlier, the main work of information system security is to provide a secure environment for the information storage and processing, in the past decades when there was no legal laws for software copyright and patents, hackers used to break the information system and get the needed information/softwares; they are not really afraid of anything because there was not any law stating that taking/hacking the softwares/information was a crime which caused a big problem for the software developing organizations but now due to the development of legal laws; if a person tries to hack the information system security, he can be sentenced to prison due to the current state of law. So the development of the legal laws relating to software copyright and patents did help the information system security to make a secure environment. Total number of words in the Task2 report: 500 Signed [ ] Task 3 (4)Evaluate the proposition that Data protection laws are an unnecessary burden on legitimate public and commercial data collection The Data Protection Act was originally started on 1984 but later the existing act was replaced by the new Data Protection Act of 1998[DPA 1998], the â€Å"new act of 1998 implemented the EU Data protection Directive 95/46† [3]. The DPA relates to the protection of personal information that includes names, email addresses, financial details, personal documents and photographs. Personal information is everywhere and because it is generally impossible to separate personal information from other organizations information, most observers agree that the security standards required by the Data Protection Act are the minimum that must be applied to organization IT Systems as a whole. The security of information is so important to most organizations that, regardless of what the law require, organizations generally implement levels of security that are as high as budgets and technology. Data Protection Act of 1998—Personal Data Security The main legal requirements are set out in Principle 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 says that all organizations must take â€Å"Appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful use and against accidental loss, damage or destruction, of information.† [4] Today, all computerized processing of personal data, structured manual records, and even some unstructured manual records are subject to provisions of the DPA 1998, including the right of the individual to access the data which is held about them. Together with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 2000), the DPA 1998 has forced a re-think of organizations good practice in personal data handling, new approaches to records management and made organizations consider more carefully their obligations to those whose data they hold. The FOIA 2000 extends the rights of the individual to access their data which had already existed under the DPA 1998. The definition of data is widened, as far as public authorities are concerned; to include all other recorded information held by a public authority. However, there are limits to the data subject rights that apply to this additional category of data. A request by an individual for information about him or herself is exempt under the FOIA 2000 and should be handled as a subject access request under the DPA 1998. In certain circumstances such a request may involve the release of associated information in which case the provisions of sections 7(4) and (5) of the DPA 1998 should be used to determine whether it is appropriate to release the third party information. Where an applicant specifically requests information about a third party or where responding to a request for information would involve the disclosure of personal information about a third party which is not also personal information about the applicant, the request falls within the remit of the FOIA 2000. However, the authority must apply the Data Protection Principles when considering the disclosure of information relating to individuals. An authority must not release third party information if to do so would mean breaching one of the Principles. Conclusion Even though the DPA secures the users personal information/data, there are some problems/burden exist for the legitimate users/public facing the Data Protection Act, according to DPA there is no exemption for back-up of data/information. In practice it will be unlikely that a data subject want access to data back-up and there is nothing to prevent a controller confirming that a data subject wishes to access only the most recent records. The back-up data which provides that automated data processed to replace other data which has been lost, destroyed or impaired are exempt from section 7 during the first transitional period ending on 23 October 2001; but this is not a general exemption for back-up data in the traditional sense. Total number of words in the Task3 report: 500 Signed [ ] Bibliography o Andrew Terrett., The Internet, Business Strategies for Law firms, (2000, Law Society, London) o Bobbie Johnson., ‘UK computer laws are ridiculous, April 30,,,1763989,00.html o ‘Computer Fraud and its Acts, April 30, o ‘Concepts of Patent work, May 1, o ‘Data protection effect on senior management, May 2, o ‘Data protection law, The key change, May 1, o David Icove. and Karl Seger, Computer Crime, (1995, OReilly Associates, USA) o David S. Wall., Cyberspace Crime, (2003, Darmouth Publishing Company , Hants, England) o Douglas Thomas. and Brian Loader, Cyber crime, (2000, Routledge publication , London) o ‘Facts on copyright, May 1, o ‘Fraud law reforms, April 30, o ‘Fraud Tips, April 30, o ‘Hacking and other computer crime, April 30, o Ian Lloyd., Information Technology Law, (1997, Reed Elsevier Ltd, Halsbury, London) o Joshua Rozenberg., Privacy and the Press, (2005, Oxford university press Inc , USA) o Michael Levi., Regulating Fraud, (1987, Tavistock Publication , London) o ‘New laws for computer fraud, April 30, o ‘Summary of Intellectual property rights, May 1, o Susan Singleton., Data protection The New Law, (1998, Jordans Publication , Bristol) o ‘UK Data protection laws are chaotic, May 2,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cruise Industry Essay

1. Introduction Nowadays cruise tourism is very popular form of tourism when it comes to travelling abroad. In this report we will focus on various aspects of cruise tourism. First of all on defining of cruise tourism, then we will present it’s historically. We will focus of main features of cruise ships as like family cruisers, couples cruisers, senior cruisers, singles cruisers, gay and lesbian cruisers, world cruisers, luxury cruisers and cruises to nowhere. We include our researches of target guest group: age, nationality, social status. We will also examine the most popular global cruise liners and their kind of majority passengers. Finally, to sum up, we will come to conclusion of the report which shows us results of our research and provide recommendations from author. 2. Definitions of Cruise Tourism Cruise tourism has lots of definitions and we will describe the most important ones. Cruising is defined as a passenger vessel operating for pleasure purposes only. The Ships are not involved in the transportation industry, like ferries or cargo ships. For the Cruiser, it is not a matter of going from A to B; the voyage is a part of a holiday package (Cartwright and Baird, 1999) According to Mintel Leisure Intelligence Report (â€Å"Cruise Industry† March 2001) Cruising tourism refers to time spent on a waterborne vessel for leisure purposes. Within the tourism industry, the term ‘cruising’ is generally assumed to mean sea cruising. This tends to imply trips during which the passenger is primarily based on a vessel that travels to a number of destinations, where they disembark for short periods to visit land-based sites. The vessels are generally fully equipped with entertainment and sporting facilities, and passengers are provided with full-board style accommodation. As travel expert Douglas Ward says, †Over 10 million people can’t be wrong (that’s how many people took a cruise last year)! Cruising is popular today because it takes you away from the pressures and strains of contemporary life by offering an escape from reality. Cruise ships are reality self-contained resorts, without the crime, which can take you to several destinations in the space of just a few days.†(Ward, 2001). The author Gavin MacLeod said that: â€Å"Now as a result of that show being on, the cruise industry is just growing all over the place†. 3. History of Cruise Industry. Our world began to become industrialized and started to trade with foreign lands. Therefore, with industry and wealth, which came to us, people’s instinct to visit parts of the world only read about from these explorers of the past was now a reality once again. The first shipping company to offer a scheduled passenger service from the United States to England was the Black Ball in 1818. Trade and leisure developed equally, which provided with demand the manufacture. A luxurious ship such as the Titanic, which has his own unique history, was a great example. ( Ships changed very little during the first half of this century. In the 1950 Oceangoing vessels were primarily used to get from Point A to Point B, especially for second- and third-class passengers, whose accommodations were in stark contrast to those in first-class staterooms. The most common voyages were transatlantic crossings from New York to London. ( The real blow to the cruise ship industry came in the 1960s when Boeing began selling 747s and other aircraft worldwide. Meanwhile, a global transportation network of airports with regulated common language and air traffic controllers, in coordination with the United States Federal Aviation Administration, was being established. As the decade came to a close, it was no longer fashionable, practical, or economical to travel by boat. The age of the jumbo jet had arrived. ( Finally, in the 1970s contributed to the idea of luxury cruise ship. Cruise ship travelers of all social classes would enjoy first-rate rooms and service. The same is true today. Gone are the days of catering for the elite, this industry is geared up for the masses and is now one of the fastest growing sectors of the travel industry ( 4. Types of Cruiser Cruising can appeal to everyone, no matter what their budget or interests. Activities onboard range from aerobics aromatherapy, art auctions to rock climbing! Cruising is attracting more families, with a wide range of children’s facilities and childcare on board. So, there are few specific types of cruises: 4.1 Family Cruises Cruise with families is very interesting, useful and funny. This is the great benefit of family cruise vacations is the ability to visit many destinations without constantly packing and unpacking, or piling into the car for long stretches at a time. Once you’re onboard, you don’t need to worry about a thing. Just relax and enjoy! Furthermore, family cruises have many activities and facilities. Cruise vacations can also make for a most memorable new tradition: Holidays-at-Sea. Cruise lines, such as Royal Caribbean offer special holiday menus, family activities, holiday-themed fun and even religious services. (See appendix A, p, І, for more information), ( 4.2 Couples Cruises Cruisers can be endlessly romantic vocations for couples. People are trying to be more creative for their wedding, honeymoon, vow renews and that is why spend their most important and remembering time in extraordinary conditions. While any of the major cruise lines offer plenty of opportunities for fun and romance, there are those who cater specifically to couples by indulging twosomes in tons of special extras. For example, Princess Cruises helps make your special cruise even more romantic with indulgent add-ons. Swoon-worthy special occasion packages include a bottle of champagne waiting in your stateroom, spa treatments, canapà ©s or petit fours in your stateroom and more. Choose a room with a balcony and you can indulge in a lobster dinner overlooking the sparkling seas, right from the privacy of your balcony. (See Appendix A, p 9, ІІ for more information) Norwegian Cruise Lines serve up romance right in your stateroom with couple’s massages that come to you. Cruise with Holland America and take a gourmet culinary lesson together. And on a Carnival Cruise, nightly live entertainment and Broadway-worthy stage shows abound. ( 4.3 Seniors Cruises This kind of cruisers are intending for more advanced people, who will find camaraderie, great times and amazing experiences while vacationing with fellow mature travelers. Also, in this section of cruising connected with differently- abled guests and guest with medical needs. For example, Cunard is one such cruise line that welcomes mature travelers. Enrichment and lecture programs let guests exercise their minds while onboard. Favorites include the Book Club, workshops on oceanography, a theatre class and more. (See Appendix A, p 10, ІІ ) Heart-healthy and delicious dining options are readily available on many cruise lines. In addition to Holland America’s Health Conscious dining option, as part of the As You Wishâ„ ¢ Dining program, guests are welcome to request any dietary needs, such as: vegetarian, diabetic, gluten-free and kosher meals. However, differently-abled guests and guests with medical needs will find Celebrity Cruises quite accommodating. Those will mobility disabilities will be able to board early, have access to scooters while onboard and can take advantage of hydraulic lifts into the sauna/pool on select ships. Deaf/hard of hearing guests as well as visually impaired gusts will also find that every attention to detail has been made to assure a comfortable, enjoyable travel experience. ( 4.4 Singles Cruisers Next type of cruisers is singles cruisers, which are unexpectedly different. This form of travelling for people who welcome meeting other singles and there are those who prefer solo, quiet journeys. For example, Holland America goes out of its way to make singles cruisers happy and comfortable. Join in the solo travelers welcome at the start of your cruise. The Single Partners Program features dance partner pairings, dining with other solo cruises at your request and many activities perfect for making new friends. Chose to room with another solo traveler, or indulge in a stateroom all to yourself.(See Appendix A, p 9, І for more information) Princess Cruises also has an extensive program for singles cruisers. Special singles events let you easily meet your shipmates. And once you book your cruise, you’ll have access to an online community where you can chat with other singles cruisers before your ship departs. ( 4.5 Gay and Lesbian Cruisers A small number of cruise lines cater exclusively to gay and lesbian travelers. Also, families are also welcome on specific gay-friendly cruises. For example, GLBT cruises are perfect getaways for travelers looking to relax, have a great time and meet new people. An incredible amount of onboard activities and entertainment awaits travelers on GLBT cruises. The fleet of RSVP Vacations’ ships features expansive fitness facilities, sparkling pools, bars and lounges, entertainment stages and luxurious spas. Atlantis Cruises are known for their legendary nightlife, with never ending dance parties and shows that feature top comedic, singing and dancing acts. (See Appendix A, p 10 ІІ for more information) ( 4.6 World Cruisers. The most effortless and visually appealing way to visit a variety of global destinations is with a world cruise. World cruises afford you the opportunity to take in many cultures, historic sites and beautiful views without having to constantly pack and unpack and board numerous flights. For example, Cunard’s luxury cruises can include three-month journeys that take you from America to the Caribbean, then to Mexico, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe and beyond. The itineraries and shore excursions are as extensive and unique as the destinations you will visit. (See appendix A,p9, For more information). Princess Cruises’ fleet of ships that travel the world are well equipped with every creature comfort and amenity available. Brimming with entertainment, spacious surroundings and indulgent dining options, you’ll feel at home during your world journey. (See appendix A, p11, III for more information). ( World cruises are largely dependent on time and money. The length of the voyage and numerous ports of call mean this vacation option is reserved for a select group of cruise travelers. If time and budget allow, a world cruise can easily be your vacation of a lifetime. 4.7 Luxury Cruisers The most interesting question is: â€Å"What is waiting on you onboard of Luxury Liner? â€Å". So, this is the answer: finest bed linens, most exquisite gourmet dining options, white-glove service and the absolute best amenities available. Elegant ballroom dancers feature guests dressed to the nines in tuxedos and gorgeous gowns. Several bars, clubs and lounges serve up fine wines and enchanting entertainment. Incredible culinary creations are presented to you by waiters expertly trained waiters. For example, Azamara Cruises also take pride in impeccable guest services and luxury amenities. Boasting one staff member per two guests, you will undoubtedly be well taken care of on Azamara Cruises. In-room spa treatments bring a bit of luxury and relaxation right to you and the onboard Wellness Consultant is available to meet with. Acupuncture at Sea is another ultra-luxurious way to melt stress away. (See Appendix A, p 10, II for more information). ( Whe n budget is no option, these cruises are waiting to treat you like royalty and wrap you in luxury and comfort. 4.8 Cruisers to nowhere. This kind of cruisers, which is perfect for travelers who have limited time on their hands and a pretty tight budget, â€Å"cruises to nowhere,† are gaining popularity. Typically one or two nights in length, these cruises leave the dock and sail the waters without reaching another port of call. It’s a great way to try out a cruise line, so to speak. For example,Carnival Cruise Lines and Norwegian Cruise Line are just two of the major cruise lines that offer these fun, quick getaways-at-sea. (See Appendix A p 11, III for more information). ( 5. Famous Cruise Lines around the World. There are a few but famous cruise lines around the world. They are supplying with world-class comfort and high standards of service. Some of them may have worldwide reputations while others may be known only in certain geographic areas that they visit often. â€Å"Whatever the repute of the individual cruise line, one factor that passengers like is the kind of experience they get, which more than meets their individual needs and lifestyles†( 5.1 American Cruise Lines American Cruise Lines are for those people who interested to visit several of exotic destinations across United States. â€Å"This cruise can take travelers to cosmopolitan cities, as well as visit remote islands that dot the coastline of the country to cosmopolitan cities, as well as visit remote islands that dot the coastline of the country† ( (See Appendix A,12, IV for more information. In addition, there are a lot of experts on board, who let passengers into history and nature of locality. 5.2 Cunard Cruise Line Canard Cruise Line is very famous. â€Å"Traditional luxury crossings, which began in 1840, went a step further when the Queen Mary II was launched in 2004 to become the flagship known as The Most Famous Ocean Liner in the World. This is the tallest, longest, largest, and most expensive ocean liner in the world and boasts of unparalleled amenities and accommodations.† ( 5.3 Disney Cruise Line Disney Cruise Line, for those who in hope for family experience, which suggest passengers packages and activities that meet their unique needs. â€Å"This cruise line is owned and operated by the dream makers, Disney, and it sails to the Bahamas, and has land and sea vacation packages that include a stay at the Walt Disney Resort† ( (See Appendix A,12, IV for more information) 5.5 Princess Cruises Line Princess Cruise Line is global cruise and tour company, which well-known in United States. The main advantage of Princess is variety of options for passengers. Different kind of dining, activities and facilities. â€Å"This cruise line serves most of the countries of the world, and it has a strong presence in the United States as well†( ( 6. Cruise facts and statistics According to data of Cruise Association, the passengers of cruise lines: In cruising more interested: The most popular nationalities are: The most popular visitors are: Cruisers primarily travel with: 80% of cruise passengers think that cruising is an important vehicle for sampling destination to which they may return. Cruisers indicate their return for land-based vocations as follows: Cruisers spend, approximately 1,770 $ per person per week and other vacations as compared to non-cruise vacationers who spend an average of 1,200$ 7. Recommendations According to our researches for this report, we can give you some recommendations for cruise tourism ,which you can find below: 1) Cruise agencies should be more promoted for the tourists. They can use all the resources, for example TV companies, Radio and Mass Media. 2) Better marketing through journals, newspapers, magazines and publicity, of course. 3) In some countries, cruise tourism need to pay more many for personal. 4) Government should be more creative and supportive in developing of cruise tourism. 5) The army, soldiers and officers should be more trained and experienced in cruise sphere. 6) Science and factories should step together nowadays. We are in need of new ideas and future plans. 8. Conclusion. In this report we discussed the most important and interesting information about cruise tourism. We began from explanation of term of†cruise tourism†. The second stage was the history. We started with the first shipping company to offer a scheduled passenger service from the United States to England was the Black Ball in 1818 and continued with cruise tourism industry nowadays. We examine the the types of cruisers and continued world famous cruise lines. According Cruise Association we showed the facts and statistics data. The results have shown that people are very interested in cruise travelling. Moreover we gave some recommendations that were dedicated from the answers on the questions asked by the author. To sum up, we should mention that cruise tourism is a very popular and developing sphere and we have to be always in search of new ideas and creations in it.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Morality and Ethicality of Using Sexual Advertising Essay

The development of technology made the role of advertising very crucial with the use of televisions, radios, magazines, posters and the internet. The main objective of a marketer is to increase the number of customers or the use of his customers for a product or service. In modern marketing sexual appeal has become the number one strategy in advertising. In fact, it was one of the greatest accepted techniques in marketing worldwide because it proved that it reaches customers in a great way. Especially when it comes to certain products such as cigarettes, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, candy, liquor and fashion goods. Since those products are mainly image-based and the use of sex appeal, sexy illustrations, and sex in general, in advertising can big effects on several elements of an advertising and buyer behavior model. The effects may be positive but if it weren’t used in the proper way it might carry on many severe negative effects. Marketers are trying to captivate people’s minds and attract them by putting for example sexy models or revealing clothes and moreover, they are positioning their brand as sexual and that the customers will have sex related benefit if they buy their product or service. A big number of people might deny the effect of these sexually oriented advertisements on them claiming that its’ not the reason why they buy a product or service. However, indirectly whether they accept this product or not they are talking about the advertisement or thinking about it in their unconscious which sheds lights on it. Especially the teen segment which are from 13 till 18 year olds they are affected by this method of advertising in a great way. Thus, there are many ethical questions associated with this strategy because its’ becoming obviously clear how sex is being used to target teens. Aims: This research attempts to shed the light on advertising companies and the way they are using sexual methods order to attract teenagers into buying their products. We are going to discuss in detail its effectiveness on teenagers positively and negatively and the ethicality of such approach. questions: 1-what are the sexual methods used by marketers to reach teen customers? 2-what are the negative and positive effects of sex appeal in advertisement? 3- why teens are the target audience for these advertisements? 4- is it against the law and regulation of adv to present a product in a sexual way? When conducting this market study, we will be using two types of research designs, exploratory as well as descriptive in order to answer the research questions and develop the conclusion. At the first place, we begin our study by an exploratory research design; its purpose is to further understand the subject. It involves an interview with marketers or unethical Ads creators, this interview will be presented by informal questionnaires that are a guide to the types of questions to be asked, however, the respondents were given the flexibility to add or explain further issues if needed. As for the descriptive research that will be conducted later on in the research, it involves a bunch of questionnaires with multiple choice answers that improve the quality and accuracy of these questionnaires, which will be tested on a number of teen respondents. And since in this research we are studying teen’s attitudes and perceptions towards unethical advertisements then our studies and collecting data will be based on qualitative research. Human evolutions open the opportunity for advertising to use sex as a way to be more attractive and efficient. Advertising is being smart so that it plays on man’s instinct to seek success and leaves theoretical and practical implications behind it. Let us remember that the major part of men is concerned in women’s beauty throughout her body. Thus, women’s body is considered to be an important tool that advertising uses to let men express interest. In addition, using women’s bodies is shown to be the easiest way to get men’s attention and advertising is trying to get advantages by doing so. Taking the other gender, it not that easy to take the attention of a woman because women regardless its instinct view of the world is an intellectual person as much as sometimes can control its instinct.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Style Legislative Terms

How to Style Legislative Terms How to Style Legislative Terms How to Style Legislative Terms By Mark Nichol Capitalization style for words and phrases related to legislation and international agreements is fairly straightforward, but here are some notes about treatment: Constitutions The phrase â€Å"US Constitution† (or â€Å"United States Constitution,† though the form with initials alone is sufficient) should be capitalized as such, as should names of state constitutions (â€Å"the California Constitution,† for example), but the word on its own is lowercased even as a subsequent reference to a specific document. The same is true of a word for components of a constitution, such as article. Names of specific amendments to the US Constitution are capitalized, but whether words or numerals are used to indicate them is contingent on which authority is used: The Chicago Manual of Style, the style manual of record for book publishers, calls for generally spelling out numbers up to one hundred, but the Associated Press Stylebook, which prescribes style for newspapers (some magazines and many Web sites adhere to it as well), uses numerals for 10 and up. So, write â€Å"Thirteenth Amendment† or â€Å"13th Amendment† according to the style your self-selected or externally appointed style guide recommends. Proposed amendments to the Constitution are often identified by their chief proponent (for example, â€Å"the Bricker Amendment†) or their aims (â€Å"the Equal Rights Amendment,† though some people argue that because there is no such amendment, only a movement to pass one, it should not be validated with capitalization). Bills and Acts A proposal for a new law enacted by the US Congress is offered as a bill. A bill proposed in the House of Representatives is given the body’s initials and a number (HR 99), followed by the name of the bill; a Senate is identified similarly (S 13). (As with US and other abbreviations, the initials are often followed by periods, but this style is unnecessary.) This style isn’t exactly mirrored in state and local legislation; for example, in the California Assembly, the local equivalent of the House of Representatives, a bill is abbreviated AB (for â€Å"Assembly Bill.†) If passed, the bill becomes an act, such as the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010. (Note that the year of enactment is often but not always part of the official name of the act.) In generic usage, even to a specific act, the word act is lowercased, though many legislative bodies and associated publications capitalize it when it refers to a specific act, as in â€Å"The Act would reverse a long-standing military policy that discriminates against gay service personnel.† Many other names for legislation exist, including code, ordinance, and statute. These words are capitalized as part of the name of a body of laws, such as â€Å"Civil Code† or â€Å"Municipal Code,† but are otherwise lowercased. Treaties and Such Nomenclature for treaties includes formal and informal styles. For example, one notable example’s formal name is the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, but the treaty associated with the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks is informally called the SALT treaty (with treaty lowercased because that is not the official name). A similar international understanding is referred to as an agreement, as in â€Å"the Sykes-Picot Agreement.† Then there is an armistice, which is merely a cessation of hostilities that may or may not be followed by a peace treaty. Many notable armistices have occurred, requiring specific nomenclature such as â€Å"the Korean War Armistice Agreement,† but the default event, that formalizing the end of World War I, is referred to simply as â€Å"the Armistice.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Possessive of Proper Names Ending in SWhat is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Robert Frost Essays (730 words) - Poetry, Literature, Robert Frost

Robert Frost Essays (730 words) - Poetry, Literature, Robert Frost Robert Frost There are probably three things that account for Robert Frosts poetry. In his poems, he uses familiar subjects, like nature, people doing everyday things and simple language to express his thought. His poems may be easy to read, but not necessarily easy to understand. Almost all of Frosts poems are hiding a secret message. He easily can say two things at the same time. For example, in The Road Not Taken, Frost talks about being a traveler, but the hidden message is about decisions in life. In lines 19 and 20, he expresses that he did the right thing, by choosing to go down the path that made the difference. Also, in Birches, lines 48-59, it shows that the poem is about being carefree. Frost wishes he could be like the boy swinging from the birch trees. The poem sets the picture of a boy swinging from the tree branches, but he really is talking about being carefree. He says that earth is the right place for love. He says that he doesnt know where he would like to go better, but he would like to go swinging from the birches. Another example of symbolic description comes from the poem, Desert Places; he talks about how he will not be scared of the desert places, but of the loneliness. He is scared of his own loneliness, his own desert places. Most of Frosts poems are about nature. All three of the mentioned poems are about nature. In The Road Not Taken, he talks of the woods and paths to follow (line1). Also, in Birches, he talks of the birch tree, and winter mornings (line 7). He also talks about rain and snow (line8-11). In Desert Places, he talks of woods and snow covering the ground (line 1-5). He shows the relationship between nature and humans. As in Tree at My Window, the beginning of the poem shows the intersection between humans and nature (lines 3-12). But the end suggests there are differences that separate them (lines 13-16). In Birches, he talks of the trees and sunny winter mornings (line 7). He also talks of the suns warmth, and how it melts the snow (line 10-12). The poem, Desert Places, talks of snow falling into a field, and covering the weeds (line 1-4). It also talks about animals lairs being smothered in the snow (line 5-6). Which is ironic considering that deserts are hot, and it does not snow there. Frosts simple, yet creative language is used in two ways. He can stir up your worst fears, or provoke a fantasy. The reader can put to terms our own fearful fantasy. In Once by the Pacific, he uses a scheme of starting with a storm, but it turns out to be more than just a storm (line 1-5). It turns out to be mysterious, because something doesnt like the way the shore is backed by the cliff, or the way the continent backs the cliff (line 7-9). It even gets more mysterious in the lines that follow; it talks of dark intent (line 10). It said someone should prepare for rage, because more than ocean water will be broken (line12). Frost uses simple word to describe some complicated things. He takes the fears within himself and distributes them into the environment all around him. The words he uses are easier to understand than other poets words are. Reading a poem by Frost is not as confusing as some poets, but trying to understand the hidden meanings are the most difficult. Trying to figure out any poem is difficult, but Frosts are unique. Bibliography Frost, Robert. Birches. Literature:Reading Fiction,Poetry,Drama, and The Essay. Robert DiYanni. Boston:McGraw,1998. 669-70. Desert Places. Literature:Reading Fiction,Poetry,Drama, and the Essay. Robert DiYanni. Boston:McGraw, 1998. 679. Once by the Pacific.Literature:Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay. Robert DiYanni. Boston:McGraw, 1998. 676. The Road Not Taken. Literature:Reading Fiction,Poetry,Drama,and the Essay. Robert DiYanni. Boston:McGraw, 1998. 513. Tree at my Window. Literature:Reading Fiction,Poetry,Drama,and the Essay. Robert DiYanni. Boston:McGraw, 1998. 677.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Video clip review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Video clip - Movie Review Example In so doing, he further complicates the crisis. In their leadership, Scott and Krantz are tolerant, democratic, result-oriented, accommodative, purposeful, and committed. They understand that the issue at hand needs to be resolved. When it comes to effective crisis management, persistence to success is an important personal characteristic. Persistence is even more valuable when it is complemented by collaborative efforts between the parties involved. On the other hand, the worst characteristic is personal self-sufficiency in times of crisis. Personally, I have faced a work crisis where workers were boycotting their duties and responsibilities to push for more organization-based benefits from the management. The worker-management platform of crisis resolution was violated, prompting me to remind my colleagues the formal process of filing complaints. I convinced all the workers to resume their duties and file complaints about such benefits using the process that the company recognized. My action was effective because any violation of the crisis resolution process could have resulted in contract termination for the boycott’s ring

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Struggle Of The Free Papua Movement Research Paper

The Struggle Of The Free Papua Movement - Research Paper Example Their public statement has been quoted as saying, "We are not terrorists! We do not want modern life! We refuse any kinds of development: religious groups, aid agencies, and governmental organizations just Leave Us Alone, Please!"8 OPM has also been a strong opponent of the transmigration policy of Indonesian government by which migration of non-natives to West Papua was encouraged.9 The way OPM has organized and mobilized itself in the course of its history is a unique social phenomenon and it has been often observed that about 80 to 90 percent of Papuan people had their sympathies with the OPM.10 But it has always been the common people who have carried forward the resistance movement as they constituted the soldiers of this freedom army.11 The Act of Free Choice, the consultation exercise conducted by the Indonesian government under the monitoring of the UN, that attached West Papua to Indonesia officially, was later criticized as being a farcical exercise.12 King has called it, à ¢â‚¬Å"an outrageous exercise in duplicity, intimidation, and coercion on Indonesia’s part.†13 In 1971, OPM declared the formation of an independent Republic of West Papua.14 The organization, since its inception until the recent times, had depended mainly on Guerilla warfare, by making thick forests its hideouts.15 In 1977, OPM militants sabotaged the fuel and slurry transportation of the Indonesian mining company, Freeport Indonesia by cutting pipelines, as the company did not heed OPM’ demands of extortion.16 This mining company was given a free hand by the Indonesian government to exploit the rich copper and gold resources of the Southern Papuan highlands.17 And this mining industry contributed to about 50% of the GDP of Indonesia.18 In 1977, the Papuans under the leadership of OPM also refused to vote in the second general elections.19 In this way, the struggle of OPM has many dimensions- economic, ethnic, environmental, and political. Figures have shown that â€Å"100000 Papuans or ten percent of the Papuan population has been killed by Indonesian troops since Indonesia gained control of the territory.†20 This shows how repressive and cruel the measures taken by the Indonesian government to defeat the resistance of OPM have been. It was in this light that in 1982, OPM set up a subsidiary organization, OPM Revolutionary Council (OPMRC) to promote its demand for independence through international diplomatic interventions.21 It was since 1998 that OPM began to participate in public political dialogues.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Performance Appraisal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance Appraisal - Assignment Example 360-degree feedback is a more qualitative instrument involving the profiling of employees through interviews and other interactive procedures. Even though each type of performance appraisal instrument may be used for different reasons and in order to achieve different purposes, there are some specific components that run through almost all these instruments. According to Kondrasuk (2011), the extent to which HR managers are able to apply these components to each instrument determines how effective a given instrument would be. The first component is that all appraisal instruments are objective based. What this means is that the instruments are designed with very specific objectives set for employees to attain. Without the objectives, it will be difficult to measure the real performance outcome of employees (Bol, 2011). Secondly, the instruments are linked to the larger organizational goal, meaning that they are set to ensure that employees accomplish the overall goals of the organization. Lastly, the instruments are performance improvement related, ensuring that they critique employees towards making them more viable (Kondr asuk, 2011). Using the rating scale performance appraisal instrument as an example, it would be said that the component that is most necessary for employee motivation is the fact that the instrument is performance improvement related. The reason for this assertion is that when employees are appraised with the purpose of making them better workers; they get motivated, knowing that the appraisal is in place to develop their professional competence. This is to say that employees refuse to see the appraisal as a means to sabotage them but to discover the best from them. Luckily, the fact that the rating scale is quantitative in nature means that it is possible to easily determine areas where employees require more training and assistance to become as productive as the organization require of them

Monday, October 28, 2019

Civil War Essay Example for Free

Civil War Essay Brothers fighting brothers, a country imploding in itself, the world is an antithesis of what auspicious t it is today. A country separated by gender, race, religion, and class is that really a Union? The Civil War has begun, a fight not yet for the freedom of slaves but a fight to mold two sides of a coin into one. The oppressed brethren are reluctant to fight and why shouldn’t they be through all the injustices the Union has placed upon them? Regardless, Alfred M. Green delivers a speech in an effort to persuade his brethren into fighting for the right to join the army that empathizes with his fellow brethren’s inundation, that promises commemoration and recognition for his fellow African Americans, and that promotes the Union’s battle as a righteous one. Green starts his speech down on the mat with a crowd that holds the candid opinion of not wanting to join a fight for a country that oppresses its people, enslaves its people, and imprisons its people. Nevertheless Green acknowledges his brethren’s suffering and injustice caused by the â€Å"fugitive slave-laws† and the â€Å"Dred Scott decisions† and states that ‘[their] duty is not to cavil over past grievances† but to aid the country with â€Å"burning zeal and enthusiasm†. By empathizing with the injustices the Union has committed towards the black community, Green preemptively dismisses the crowd’s probable argument and establishes a common ground to build upon later in his speech. Likewise, Green mention’s that â€Å"the brave deeds of our fathers†¦ have failed to bring us recognition† which quickly refutes the future argument that the Brethren have already sacrificed their share and establishes the point that it’s up to the blacks of that era to bring â€Å"honor† and â€Å"glory† to the African American race. After acknowledging the mistreatment the Union has committed to the free and enslaved blacks, Green emphasizes that joining the war against the South will â€Å"improve the present auspicious moment creating anew [the brethren’s] claims upon the justice and honor for the Republic†. This quote suggests that taking up arms for the Union will secure the future of free African Americans with freedom and honor. In addition, Green says, â€Å"let not the honor and glory achieved by our fathers be blasted or sullied by a want of true heroism among their sons†. Green invokes â€Å"filial piety† in the crowd by ultimately saying that the good reputation their ancestors had laid out in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 should not be â€Å"sullied† or â€Å"blasted† and should be preserved and built upon for this time they may secure a free future. Towards the climax of his speech, Green promotes the Union Army as God’s Army and â€Å"[he or God] will defend the right, remembering that these are other days than those of yore.† By stating God wants the audience to â€Å"take up the sword† ultimately encourages the religious brethren to join this â€Å"army of God† and gives these mistreated people hope because God wants them to succeed and gain freedom from judgment and racism imposed on their race. Green also says â€Å"[their] very presence among the troops of the North would inspire [their] oppressed brethren of the South with zeal†¦ and confidence.† Green’s intention for this quote was to evoke the righteousness of the northern audience to fight for the southern slaves who are enduring far worse hardships. Alfred M. Green recognizes the hardship his race has endured but insists that their involvement in the war will secure a future filled with honor and glory and insists that God sides with the North and trusts them to fight for and free the enslaved south. In essence, Green convincing blacks and whites to work together as equals was the leap of mankind that inspired the many immigrants and future generations to see the United States of America as the land of freedom and the home of the brave.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Methodist Church :: essays research papers

The United Methodist Church My home church is United Methodist. I have gone there ever since I was a child because that is where my mother went to church. Through researching this paper I found many interesting things about my church. There are many points and issues I agree with and many I disagree with. Writing this really made me think about my denomination closely and if it’s the right one for me. The United Methodist Church shares a common history and heritage with other Methodist and Wesleyan bodies. The lives and ministries of John Wesley and of his brother, Charles, mark the origin of their common roots. Both John and Charles were Church of England missionaries to the colony of Georgia, arriving in March 1736. It was their only occasion to visit America. Their mission was far from an unqualified success, and both returned to England disillusioned and discouraged, Charles in December 1736, and John in February 1738. Both of the Wesley brothers had transforming religious experiences in May 1738. In the years following, the Wesleys succeeded in leading a lively renewal movement in the Church of England. As the Methodist movement grew, it became apparent that their ministry would spread to the American colonies as some Methodists made the exhausting and hazardous Atlantic voyage to the New World. Organized Methodism in America began as a lay movement. Among its earliest leaders were Robert Strawbridge, an immigrant farmer who organized work about 1760 in Maryland and Virginia, Philip Embury and his cousin, Barbara Heck, who began work in New York in 1766, and Captain Thomas Webb, whose labors were instrumental in Methodist beginnings in Philadelphia in 1767. The American Revolution had a profound impact on Methodism. John Wesley’s Toryism and his writings against the revolutionary cause did not enhance the image of Methodism among many who supported independence. Furthermore, a number of Methodist preachers refused to bear arms to aid the patriots. When independence from England had been won, Wesley recognized that changes were necessary in American Methodism. He sent Thomas Coke to America to superintend the work with Asbury. Coke brought with him a prayer book titled The Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America, prepared by Wesley and incorporating his revision of the Church of England’s Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. Two other preachers, Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey, whom Wesley had ordained, accompanied Coke.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A House Divided

â€Å"House Divided† Essay Discuss the relevance today of Abraham Lincoln’s statement, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand. † Abraham Lincoln’s statement in his 1858 speech that â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand,† is an extremely true statement that is as relevant today as it was when he originally stated it in 1858. Lincoln made this statement when he was accepting his nomination by the Republican Party to become the United States senator for the state of Illinois.Lincoln was attempting to distinguish himself from his opponent for the seat in the Senate, Stephen Douglas, who was a major supporter of the doctrine of popular sovereignty. Lincoln disagreed with Douglas because he believed that the United States could not exist under two opposing forces, that of advocates for slavery and of abolition. Lincoln knew that the country would eventually have to decide between slavery and freedom, and the imminent Civil War is pr oof that he was right.Lincoln’s statement in 1858 correctly predicted that the United States could not exist forever torn between the issue of slavery. His statement continues to be valid, even in today’s world, more than one hundred and fifty years later. When the country was divided about the existence of slavery, it was not able to cooperate. Proper authority could not be executed, because the leader had to choose a side. If he was pro-slavery, the north would not be devoted to his leadership. If he was pro-abolition, the south would refuse to acknowledge him as their leader.This enormous dilemma wreaked havoc throughout the country, leading to the south’s eventual secession from the Union. Today, the concept of when an institution is on completely different terms with each other they cannot function properly can be applied to many situations, both specific and non-specific. This notion being misunderstood by the majority of the world is on display in daily l ife. When two parents are attempting to instill authority over their child but disagree on something, the child is erroneously disciplined.When the child receives two conflicting views about something they should or should not do, they will not understand what is right. When two business partners are in disagreement about their business policies, the business will fail with no proper guidance. Two friends with seriously incompatible qualities or moral codes will not be able to maintain their friendship. Nothing can survive without unity, which is why slavery was unable to prevail. One specific example of the validity of Lincoln’s statement is the Civil Rights movement of the mid twentieth century.The Civil Rights movement was an extension of the slavery issue of a century earlier. Black people were still not being treated as equal to whites in the southern part of the country. Because there was much division on the issue, there was political controversy during that time. Howe ver, just as with slavery, blacks eventually received equal rights and treatment. Another example of Lincoln’s statement being applicable many years after it was said is communism in Russia.Communism and socialism in Russia eventually failed because it always had a clear winner and loser. One party was greatly benefitted, while the other party was severely disadvantaged. Because the country was so divided on the issue, communism collapsed in the Soviet Union in 1991. Perhaps the greatest and most relevant example of the validity of Lincoln’s statement is the current economic depression occurring in the United States. In the United States, the difference between the wealthy and the poor is by an extremely large margin.The wealthy people of the country possess almost all of its wealth, while the vast majority of the people possess a much smaller portion. As a result, the economy of the United States crashed in the year 2008. This economic depression and the failure of th e wealthy to help the poor have been the subject of much discussion and debate throughout the country. Almost everyone is divided on the issue, causing the economy to increasingly become worse. Hopefully, if the country can one day become united on the solution for the economy’s downfall, the economy will recover.It is clear that Lincoln’s statement in 1858 that â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand,† was very on the point when he stated it, as well as in today’s world. Lincoln made this statement on the brink of the great Civil War, and he correctly predicted that if the United States continued to be divided on the issue of slavery, it would prove disastrous for the country. Today, this statement continues to apply to many of the world’s problems, both specifically an non-specifically.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Essay

With the unprecedented growth and spread of information, there is no wonder why large Information Technology companies have been investing in the â€Å"cloud†. To expand, when referring to Cloud Computing, this means to access and store information not stored with in your computer whether it be public, private, or hybrid cloud computing. In technological terms, the server you are accessing is somewhere else and therefore, the information and tools you are using are â€Å"up in the clouds† but more so stored in another server space. However, whether you are paying for services through software, total usage, or free usage (hence the types of cloud services) Cloud Computing seems to be everywhere. Yet, it is important to recognize what is to gain by using cloud computing from big businesses to individual users and what are some risky moves when utilizing cloud storage over the Internet. Hence, the content of this paper will discuss the pros and cons of cloud computing and where cloud computing is headed in todays online society. Discussion: Moving forward, large companies use private cloud computing on the grounds that it is far more affordable to store and run programs in a server space designed for processing, saving and running information applications and so on. The biggest noticeable advantages in cloud computing have to be the ease of running programs with out installing any new applications (since the provider installs it for you in their cloud), and payment depends on membership, and which billing method you chose; for example, monitored payment or a flat rate (Mitchell). However, there are competing companies such as Google Apps Marketplace, Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Success Factors, and so on, that make cloud computing affordable on different user levels. These levels range from individual interest to larger company interests. For example, a company may need thousands of gigabytes worth of storage while I may need a few gigabytes of storage. So when paying for space I will be able to only buy what I need. Additionally, using the cloud allows a user greater mobility since an individual with an account can access the cloud from any computing device (laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone) that has available Internet access. More importantly, it’s easier for multiple users to access the same document and not overload the system and backs up data without someone having to worry about the location. Therefore, utilizing a third-party system server, Cloud Computing perks offer cheaper, reliable storage and retrieval of information. Figure [ 1 ] Although Cloud Computing sounds like a convenient service for businesses and users to take advantage of, there are downsides for paying or using cloud servers. Instances include, system shut downs for maintenance, access of data after canceling a membership, and more importantly privacy. Yet, a simple downside would be â€Å"What if someone uploads data into the cloud server and suddenly loses Internet connection?† The answer would be lost time and an incomplete data upload, not to mention the hassle of finding Internet connection again to access the cloud’s server only to attempt to upload the same work once more. On the other hand, looking back at the 2011 Google Docs incident, when an outage delayed user interaction for an hour starting in the UK and then reached the US (McCaney). Many organizations and people couldn’t access or exchange files via the cloud. So accidents happen, and although people lost out on time and information sharing, no files were reportedly lost. Even so, accidents including shutdown to outages, are rare natural occurrences, yet, inevitable for the current time. Not only are there outages to worry for also, according to Hamad Subani, he asserts that â€Å"Since most of the major Cloud Computing servers are operated by companies based in the United States, data you put on your Cloud is subject to American law.†   Which is also true since authorities only need to file a subpoena to get the information, yet, once information is shared warrants are needed and such (Subani). Hence, privacy is compromised, but to an extent. If someone is engaging in illegal file transfers on a cloud server, it already violates the consumer to provider contract; therefore a person is better off keeping their illegal activities to themselves. Other than that, cloud computing is relatively safe. | Cloud Computing Simplified| Pros| Cheap services, reliable, extra storage space, no worry about the server location| Cons| No privacy, and you must have internet access, maintenance. | After going through the pros and cons of cloud computing, it is necessary to analyze where such services are headed in the near to distant future. According to Brian Donaghy,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Market Research Media says the cloud market will reach $270 billion in 2012 and Gartner predicts it will be over the $148 billion mark by 2014, much greater than Forrester’s forecast of over $118 billion for the same year.† Without a doubt, cloud computing will continue to rake in the profits since increasing needs for IT services are inflating the cloud’s development. In perspective, social networks (like YouTube or Skype) outsource their work to cloud services to help store user data. More so, it seems as if digital life is linked to the storage systems of cloud servers. Think about it, with out a back up storage in the cloud, there wouldn’t be a free YouTube, Tumbler, and blogging would essentially be news posts by big businesses. Cloud computing will continue to advance in ways that further accommodates all online users. About the only disadvantage of this are those with out Internet connection, the people left out of the Internet community. However, for the time being, cloud computing’s growth in the United States and American websites using cloud resources, prove to be helpful in the spreading of information from social to private perspectives of data usage. Conclusion: Hence, it is evident that cloud computing will be growing exponentially so long as the Information Technology sector continues to be in high demand. Therefore it is up to the consumers individual needs to decide if cloud computing would help them keep tabs with their data usage online or if using their own memory on their computer is a better decision. On the other end, companies should use Cloud Computing servers as a cheaper form of Information Technology management. Especially since investing in a mainframe computer would be far more costly than having some other company do all the work for you for a smaller fee. Therefore, cloud computing will definitely be a primary factor in the growth and facilitation of online data usage and continue to revolutionize modern technology. Bibliography Bauer, Eric and Randee Adams. The Reliability and Availability of Cloud Computing. Hoboken: Wiley, 2012. Donaghy, Brian. Where is Cloud Computing Headed in 2013? 8 November 2012. 1 February 2013 . McCaney, Kevin. Google, Microsoft cloud crashes: Is this the new normal? 12 September 2011. 15 February 2013 . Mitchell, Bradley. What is Cloud Computing. 2013. 15 February 2013 . Mururgesan, San. â€Å"Cloud Computing: The New Normal?† January 2013. IEEE Xplore (digital library). 1 February 2013. Subani, Hamad. Ten Reasons Why Cloud Computing is a Bad Idea. 2 June 2009. 14 February 2013 . Weinman, Joe. â€Å"Cloudonomics: the business value of cloud computing.† 4 September 2012. WorldCat (database engine). 1 February 2013.